T r u m p ’ s L i e s
Many Americans have become accustomed to President Trump’s lies. But as regular as they have become, the country should not allow itself to become numb to them. So we have catalogued nearly every outright lie he has told publicly since taking the oath of office.
We can point out that Trump is a congenital liar from now until the cows come home, but that will never dissuade his supporters. They're cultists, like the Scientologists are cultists. They're true believers. They're also a minority, which makes them even more fanatical in their beliefs, because they believe they're right and the rest of the country is wrong. Trump is a weak little coward, venturing out only to places where he's guaranteed an adoring crowd. Chicken Not So Little.
ReplyDeleteI read he cancelled his trip to England because the Brits would come out by the millions to show their contempt for Chicken Not So Little. AFAIK, that's never happened to any other American president. But yet his supporters can't connect the dots to see why Trump is loathed by our allies.
Exactly! It's a cult, for sure and I'm hoping there's kool-aid, in a very large bowl, involved.... :)
ReplyDeleteYou are so out of touch with real America and blinded by hate. That's why fools like you and your Fat Assed Friend Shaw keep losing. And you'll never learn.
ReplyDeleteAnd yet, like a true Trump voting moron, you couldn't counter even one single posted lie told by your messiah. Why is that, fool? Oh yeah, cause you're a single-celled fucking idiot who can't actually use that withered brain in your puny, ugly as hell head. No, instead all you pathetic vile swamp dwellers can do is use juvenile insults directed at anyone who doesn't lap dance for your MF'ing asshole liar in the WH. Now, if you hope to ever come back here, you'll knock off the bs and actually respond to the theme of the thread or you can stay and drown in the nasty right wing swamp out from which you crawled.Your choice, scumbag.
DeleteWelfare Queen claims we're out of touch? OMG! 60% of Americans detest Donald Trump, and our allies all have far less respect for America than they did when President Obama was POTUS.
ReplyDeleteAnd W.Q., like a babbling idiot comes here to spread his fake comment thinking we're as stupid as he and his fellow bloggers are?
What a joke. W.Q. is a troll who's been around for years commenting at the Stench Trench.
How does the troll Welfare Quenn think WE'RE the losers when 60% of Americans hate Trump and all our allies think he's a jerk. W.Q. thinks that his idiotic babble will change those facts?
What fools these Gooper trolls be!
True. They are obvious trolls and morons and they just keep proving it over and over again. If they were smarter, they'd be embarrassed by how they act.
DeleteIf our country has learned one thing over the last eight years, it’s that a successful resume for president of the United States must go deeper than a list of titles – the former senator and community organizer had little experience in the art of action.
ReplyDeleteWe need Trump’s love for America, his passion for success, and his willingness and ability to take action.
The love of my country and its future are the reasons why I still support Donald Trump for president.
Then I'm sorry but you're an idiot. How is having this total embarrassment 'loving your country'? Hoe is giving huge tax breaks to people making more than 200,000 a year and kicking grandma out of the nursing home once her state runs out of medicaid money 'loving your country'? I served my country for ten years and I have a shattered spine to prove it. My love for my country is to make our country better for everyone. A sick, desperately poor populace with a handful of uber rich folks is NOT a healthy or prosperous nation, and especially when an elderly, obviously mentally ill, man-baby with thin orange skin and tiny hands is the one a minority of people (and the electoral college and Russia) picked!
DeletePresident Obama was a breath of fresh air. I know, you righties hated the fact that a black man was elected TWICE in landslides and was pure class the entire time. He saved us from the Bush recession/depression, did his best to extract us from the multiple Repub wars and brought health care to millions of us who'd been unable to afford or get it before. It's beyond obvious that the one and ONLY reason you lowlife righties hated him was because, after 200 years of old white guys, this brilliant young black man takes office and expands rights for millions and proves his chops with a calm, rational and logical mind.
Fuck off you obvious fake name from the swamps on the right.
Oh, and one more thing; yet ANOTHER pathetic right winger who can't respond to the meat of the post. Not one word about the PROVEN lies told by your orange ugly old man. Noted.....
DeleteThe above "Ms. Pinkbottim" troll stole that name from a person who does parody commenting at my blog. The troll is another escapee from WYD Stench Trench, and sounds like TOM/Luke. That troll comes to my blog often and every time I see that name, I delete the comment without reading it.
ReplyDeleteLuke.... Ugh. I shoulda known.. :)
ReplyDeleteHope all is well with you, my friend.
Body scans scheduled for July 7. Meanwhile, I'm thinking about our friend Jersey McJones.
ReplyDeleteSame here. Hoping he'll recover and get back to us, soon. You're in my thoughts too, friend. I wish you lots of luck!
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ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteCan't address the topic - you're outta here AGAIN. Don't come back, troll.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteWell Cupcaake, I have no intention of ever coming back to this Crap House where you lick the Fat Behind of the Progrrdsive Witch. So take your nasty vulgar speech and stuff it.
ReplyDeleteAnd as for your asinine "topic" you can stick that where the sun dont shine.
Good news then, Prune pit. You offer nothing of interest or value so you won't be missed one bit. BTW you're certainly not the famous European model Adrina Rose. Wonder if she'd like you stealing it. Perhaps I'll email her and we'll see.....
DeleteYes LOM, we're all familiar with your work. No need to advertise. We all agree - you're an idiot. Thanks for agreeing.
DeleteYou spud like an Idiot? But after all you are one ��
ReplyDeleteI'm either a potato or yours is what passes for intelligence and wit in conservative circles. Either way, you've proven how big an idiot you are, already. You should probably stop now, fool....
DeleteBlueBull, the trolls L.O.M. and Ms.Pinkbottom are escapees from the Stench Trench. They are both mentally challenged and need one's pity, not ire.
ReplyDelete"You spud like an idiot?" -- That's just one example of how whacked out they are. Poor confused trolls.
LOL. I have the best time spanking their dried up little brains! It's not challenging, of course, but I was always the kid who messed with the fire ant mound. :)
DeleteRemember out there that Obamacare, an almost 3000 page document of secrecy and absolute confusion, passed without ONE SINGLE DEMOCRAT reading it,and it was their bill. Remember the Liar in Chief said, you will be able to watch the process because CNN will be right there in the room? Remember that? Remember that was just the beginning of all his lying?
ReplyDeleteDo you remember how many DEMOCRATS voted for this so-called repeal and replacement? I will give you a hint the same number that read Obamacare seven years ago.
Do remember how Obamacare got through the Supreme Court? Well here's how. John Roberts, said in his 5-4 decision that "you can not force the American people to buy something," then he said Obamacare was a TAX, and Congress has the Constitutional power to levy and collect taxes, "therefore mandatory health insurance is constitutional." He just as easily could have said that because a commercial product is being shoved down Americans throat, despite the fact that there are five taxes in this bill, I am sending it back to the House where all revenue bills must start by Constitutional Law under Article ONE, and striking the mandatory purchase clause. But instead he gave us this time consuming, unconstitutional MESS.
Now pay attention, Luke/Tom/any of your other dozens of names -- You're full of crap, of course. Read and learn and then explain to me how someone can get as full of crap as you are without actually having a sewer pipe inserted into your ginormous mouth....
DeleteFebruary 24, 2009 -- In a joint session to Congress, President Obama says: "So let there be no doubt: Health care reform cannot wait, it must not wait, and it will not wait another year."
March 5, 2009 -- The Obama White House holds its first health care summit.
April 21, 2009 -- Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus and Ranking Member Chuck Grassley hold the first of three roundtables of health policy and industry experts to discuss the development of health care legislation.
July 15, 2009 -- The Senate's Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee passes The Affordable Health Choices Act. The bipartisan bill includes more than 160 Republican amendments accepted during the month-long mark-up, one of the longest in congressional history.
July 31, 2009 -- The bill is reported out of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce by a vote of 31 to 28.
One justice may make or break health care
One justice may make or break health care 02:38
August 15, 2009 -- During the August recess, Obama travels in support of the bill. Tea Party members and conservatives lash out against the bill at town halls. Obama battles a false rumor that the legislation includes "death panels" that could decide whether people live or die.
August 26, 2009 -- Sen. Edward "Ted" Kennedy, a leading proponent of health care legislation, dies, jeopardizing Senate Democrats' 60-seat filibuster-proof supermajority.
September 29, 2009 -- The Senate Finance Committee rejects two amendments to include a government-run public health insurance option in the sole compromise health care bill to date.
October 13, 2009 -- The Senate Finance Committee approves Baucus' landmark bill, the America's Healthy Future Act.
November 7, 2009 -- The House of Representatives passes a version of the sweeping health care bill by a vote of 220-215.
December 19, 2009 -- Senator Ben Nelson, a conservative Democrat, becomes the 60th vote needed to pass the Senate version of the health care bill.
December 24, 2009 -- The Senate passes its health care bill 60-39.
January 17, 2010 -- Obama stumps for Martha Coakley in a tight Massachusetts Senate race against Scott Brown to replace Kennedy. Brown had pledged to vote against Democratic health care efforts.
January 19, 2010 -- Brown wins the special election, jeopardizing the health care legislation.
February 25, 2010 -- Obama holds a televised heath care summit with leaders from both parties to explain the health care bill.
March 11, 2010 -- In a letter to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, Majority Leader Harry Reid says Democrats will use "reconciliation," needing only 51 votes, to pass the health care bill.
March 21, 2010 -- The Senate passes its version of the bill, sending the legislation to Obama for his signature. A separate package of changes expanding the reach of the measure also passed the House over unanimous GOP opposition, and will be taken up by the Senate.
March 23, 2010 -- Obama signs the health care bill into law.
August 12, 2011 -- The 11th Circuit Court of Appeals rules that parts of the law are unconstitutional.
November 8, 2011 -- The U.S. Court of Appeals in Washington rules that the law is constitutional.
November 14, 2011 -- The Supreme Court agrees to hear a legal challenge to the law after 26 states, led by Florida, petitioned the high court.
March 26, 2012 -- The Supreme Court begins three days of oral arguments over the constitutionality of the law.
June 28, 2012 -- The Supreme Court rules that the individual mandate portion of the health care law may be upheld within Congress' power under the taxing clause.
TOM, it's not just your trolling that is pathetic, but it is also the fact that you are an exceedingly talentless writer and boring a hell.
ReplyDeleteWeren't you supposed to be performing community service today?
I usually just delete Tom/Luke but I've been away from the computer for a couple of days. Our friend Jersey, btw, is doing better. I'm still sending him good thoughts daily as I know you are. If you're interested in contacting him in RL, you have my real email address I believe. If not, just let me know and I'll send it to you.
DeletePeace and best always, Sister.
Thank you. Please send me an email with his contact info. shawkenawe (at) yahoo.com
DeleteWhen are you ignorant, racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-Semitic, conspiracy-pushing, lie-telling, fake-news, violent, seditious antifa loving Progressives going to learn that just because you spew bullshit from your pie holes doesn't make it true?!
ReplyDeleteYou CAN'T keep your plan.
You CAN'T keep you doctor.
It DOESN'T pay for itself.
It DOESN'T lower premium costs.
It WASN'T a case of workplace violence.
It had NOTHING to do with a video.
There was NO collusion.
There was NO obstruction...from Trump.
Antifa are NOT ANTI-Fascists.
Trump is NOT a Racist just because sore-loser, butt-hurt, violent liberal presidential election loser deniers who seek to strip Americans of their Constitutional Rights say so
They're ONLY Football Players, not politicians. They get paid to do a job, and standing on a soapbox, supporting their own agenda, on a field, their office, isn't one of them. It's like , you own your own business, and you still work a 40 hr job. You clock in, then sit down and do work for your own company on their dime. Guess what, it's stealing time and money from that company. Punishable by what? You guessed it, LAWFUL TERMINATION. Kids look up to these athleticians. (Athlete/politicians). And they're seeing the disrespect for their country. Great role models right? Fuck that. I fought for my country, let me see someone kneel in front of me, I'll knee them right in the head. And I will too... There are PLENTY of outlets to use, on THEIR time, not prime time, to talk their gibberish. Put on a fucking BDU, and take up arms, and go fight for what's right. Hell, be a conscientious objector, don't even have to hold a weapon. Be a snowflake. If you don't like what MY National Anthem means, go to another country, take up a new song, and sing it loud and proud. Canadians, when they come here to play hockey, sing OUR National Anthem, and our own football players can't even stand for it? FUCK OFF any and all idiots that believe different.
ReplyDeleteIt’s always lots of fun taking these trips down memory lane, ain’t it? And showing these Crooked , Lying, Democrats just what they are
ReplyDeleteSo let’s keep it going!
It was just about One Year Ago this week when Hillary Clinton said: “Donald Trump Refused to Say That He’d Accept and Respect the Results of this Election, No Matter Who Won”.
And here it is a year later, and Hillary still hasn’t accepted the results of the election, she even wrote a stupid book with 101 excuses of “Why She Lost”
There’s a reason Hillary still has not accepted the results of last year’s election. Hillary really thinks that she deserved to win because she spent her entire life scheming, lying, bribing, conniving, to become the President, and SHE LOST! And she just can’t get over it! So yes. Hillary Clinton was made a fool of by Comey, by Donald Trump, by the votaries and by herself! And now the Uranium deal... How Sweet It Is!
Yep. The cat is out of the bag, the whole enchilada, that phoney dossier story on the alleged Trump incident in the Moscow hotel was funded by Clinton Campaign and the DNC., the Uranium deal, the Russian collusion. That meeting with Bill and Loretta Lynch on the Airport Tarmac This all brings a new meaning to “The Sky Is Falling”..
All I know is that this is going to be fun watching Shaw, RN, Dave Miller and the rest of those Obama/Clinton worshipers explain this!